1. Open the image that you want to make/create water effect
2.Create a new layer then proceed to draw an elliptical drop using elliptical marquee tool.
3. Apply gradient tool with foreground to black and the background color to white.
4. Drag the cursor for the gradient tool from one side of the ellipse to the other to create something like this.
5. Within the Blending Options - Drop Shadow Dialogue copy similar settings (you can trial) then apply it.
6. Again, in the Blending Options dialogue box add Inner Shadow with similar settings then apply
7. Now apply the shine effect.
8. To keep the shiny dot separate from the rest of the image, create a new layer 2.
Use the brush tool with a small soft diameter to make a dot (test).
9. That's enough to make the water effect. you can create more drops instead of single.
10. Try this today in your home and have the enjoy.
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