05 December, 2009

Most usefull Keyboard Shortcut in Gmail
Gmail can be fun if you know the basic keyboard shortcut of Gmail. This can make your work faster to complete and you can also feel comfort. Honestly speaking, if you wanna be an expart in computer system then you should know keyboard shortcut. This articles is a little approach to make you computer genius teaching you about the shortcut in a web application.First applying shorcut keys you need to enable the keyboard shortcut in Gmail. In the previous articles you can learn about How to turn on Keyboard Shortcuts in Gmail account.

The following table is about the usefull shortcuts. Try to remember them and apply when you use Gmail.

Shortcut Key



Compose new message

<Shift>  + c

Compose message in a new window


Puts the cursor in the Search box


Reply to the message sender.

<Shift> + r

Reply to the message sender in a new window


Reply all

<Shift> + a

Reply to all message recipients.


Forward a message

<Shift> + f

Allow you to forward a message in a new window


Marks a message as spam and remove it from conversation list


Remove the cursor from the current input field

<Ctrl> + s

Save the current text as a draft


Delete the conversation and that will be to Trash folder


Undoes  your previous action

<Shift> + u

Marks your message as unread

<Shift> + i

Marks your message as read


Show keyboard shortcuts help

g + i

Go to ‘Inbox’

g + t

Go to ‘Sent Mail’

g + d

Go to ‘Drafts’

g + a

Go to ‘All Mail’

<tab> + <Enter>

Send the Compose message

g+ c

Go to ‘Contacts’


Next message


Previous message

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