28 May, 2009

How to crack Windows Vista Activation and extend it to 120 days free trial?
If you use Windows Vista free trial and want to extent its free trial period then this crack will help you up to 120 days just doing few steps. Keep in mind that to get 120 days, you need this crack to do at the end of the trial period, normally the last day. here are the steps below.

1. Go to command prompt. You can go typing cmd in start search box and choosing cmd.exe.
2. when a windows appears like the below, just press "Ctrl + Shift + Enter" simultaneously to run it as administrator, you will be prompted to confirmed the step. just answer Yes.

3. On the command prompt, type " slmgx -rearm" then press Enter.
4. Now restart your computer to get the effects.
5. Done and Enjoy with 120 days vista activations

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