Microsort have decided to sell its most popular and famous OS Windows XP untill 2011. The date is probably at April 2011 as mentioned in Computer World. Microsoft planned to stop selling XP after launching Windows Vista to force people to use Vista instead of XP. But popularity of XP remains constantly 8 years after its launched.
According to microsoft, this decision is being made in order to give Netbook makers more time to sell their Netbooks without forcing them into new OS Windows 7.

Although Microsoft has detailed a Netbook-Centric version of Windows 7 but most experience that Windows XP is better for low power machines like Netbook. Now users who don't want to transfer into Vista have much time to obsearve Windows 7 and then make decision about Staying in XP or to Windows 7. But Windows 7 has improved graphics with enhanced Graphical User Interface(GUI) and better security features surely than XP. Now this is your turn to choose Windows 7 or Windows XP.