21 June, 2009

How to recover your hacked Yahoo account
Have you ever been faced with your yahoo account hacking by others? If yes then certainly you thought many about your important documents and information that was in your inbox. You tried a lot to recover by applying many tips and tricks but no ways you found out. If you did not faced your account hacking before then you also should know how to recover if you face that in future.

Assume your account has been hacked by a hacker and the hacker have alos deleted Zip code, changed alternative emails and password for your yahoo account. Then basically you have no way to recover them by applying tips or tricks and I suggest you not to wast your important time in Internet searching the way you should follow.

Just send an email using another email account to Yahoo Account Security Department addressing account-security-help@cc.yahoo-inc.com mentioning details about the entire story including Password you used last time to accessed your Yahoo account, all other information you submited to register with Yahoo, last time and date you updated your account in a polite way. And wait for the reply from the Security Team of Yahoo. If you are true then they must reply to you. Don't try to be clever trying for other's account demanding yours.
Hope you find this articles helpful.
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