15 May, 2009

Computer Quiz -3

How much do you know about computer

Take the quiz and justify your level of computer proficiency.
After completion this quiz just proceed for the next one.

  1. In order for your computer to play music you need:

  2. A network card and speakers
    A sound card and speakers
    Nothing more than the internal speaker
    A CD-ROM drive

  3. In order to access the World Wide Web you need:

  4. An Internet connection, an Internet Service Provider and browser software
    Only Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator
    A modem and a browser
    Nothing. All computers can access the Internet

  5. If you have two different printers attached to your computer:

  6. It is not possible to have two printers attached to a single computer
    You need to install a single printer driver
    You need to use application software that can recognize both printers
    You need to install two different printer drivers in order to be able to print to either printer

  7. Which file extensions indicate only graphics files?

  8. BMP and DOC
    JPEG and TXT
    TXT and STK
    BMP and GIF

  9. Which Windows program do you use to manage folders and files?

  10. Windows Explorer
    Windows Accessories
    Microsoft Office
    Windows Control Panel

  11. What is a URL:

  12. An email address
    The title of a web site
    The address of a page on the World Wide Web
    A communication method between computers and printers

  13. Which media holds more information?

  14. Floppy diskette
    Zip drive

  15. Which one is an email address:

  16. http://vianet.com/index.htm

Now submit your answers by clicking on the below button.

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